Thanet Youth Network

A guide to Creative Opportunities for Young People.

Have you ever been bored during the weekend, or the holidays, and wondered what creative activities are on offer in Thanet?

Look no further than the Thanet Youth Network!

The Thanet Youth Network is a group of creative and cultural organisations across Thanet that develop projects and opportunities for young people.

With a wealth of organisations working with young people across the region, the network has put together a comprehensive list of organisations with details of what they are able to offer you. We hope that you find this guide useful.

The Thanet Youth Network has created a free resource that features all participating organisations offering activities for young people. This includes information about cost (many are free to access), location, contacts, and the type of opportunity on offer. There are workshops, work experience, paid work, digital skills training, and so much more on offer.

Click the button below to download a digital copy of the Thanet Youth Network Mapping Resource.




A preview of ‘Feeling Her Way’